Celebrating International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia Intersexphobia and Transphobia 2024

The People’s Matrix Association and EU Lesotho joint statement.

International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia Intersexphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), an annual event occurring on May 17th, is a global initiative that draws the attention to the violence and discrimination experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex persons and all other persons with diverse sexual orientations, gender identity or expression, and sex characteristics (LGBTQIA+).

The People’s Matrix Association will celebrate this day on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at Maseru Club Grounds and the European Union in Lesotho will join in solidarity. We will start with a Peace March from Setsoto Stadium to Maseru Club at 11:00 am followed by solidarity speeches from Development Partners, and other allies.

Throughout colonial history, LGBTQIA+ individuals have borne the brunt of various forms of abuse, including instances of discrimination and, tragically, even loss of life. This year’s IDAHOBIT takes place at a time when we witness alarming rates of violence against LGBTQIA+ persons worldwide. Since last year we witnessed new laws criminalising LGBTQIA+ persons, court decisions stigmatising the movement as ‘extremist’ and otherwise leading to further discrimination under the guise of ‘protecting the traditional family’. This goes together with foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), including disinformation campaigns targeting the LGBTQIA+ community spreading harmful information and fueling violence and hate speech.

Challenging societal views and stereotypes surrounding gender identities, sex characteristics and expressions ensures an inclusive Lesotho for everyone despite their apparent differences. Furthermore, constitutional provisions and acts emphasize the right to confidentiality and the prohibition of discrimination based on gender identity or expression.

“No one left behind: equality, freedom and justice for all”

The theme of 2024 is ‘No one left behind: equality, freedom and justice for all’. Just recently, the world celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its crucial role as a global guidepost is clear, yet its assertion that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” is a promise that remains unmet. This is especially the case for LGBTQIA+ individuals and the ones experiencing intersecting layers of inequalities. When human rights of LGBTQIA+ persons around the globe are increasingly under threat, the power of solidarity, partnership and community across national borders is imperative. This year’s IDAHOBIT theme is a call for unity: only through solidarity for each other will we create a world without injustice, where no one is left behind.

The European Union has been a steadfast supporter for the human rights of LGBTQIA+ persons globally. It has been supporting civil society organisations in their endeavours to strengthen the protection of LGBTQIA+ persons, address impunity, violence and stigma experienced by LGBTQIA+ persons, advocate for anti-discriminatory laws and laws that foster further equality, and contribute to building powerful movements across the globe, including in multilateral fora. European Union has also been engaging through political dialogues, human rights dialogues, awareness-raising activities and supporting LGBTQIA+ rights defenders in their work, including in emergency situations. For example, between January 2020 and December 2022, approximately 850 LGBTQIA+ human rights defenders worldwide received support channeled by the EU via the consortium ProtectDefenders.eu.

As partners, parents, and allies, we call on you to reflect on the societal impact of collective silence and its toll on our community. LGBTQIA+ individuals are integral members of our society, deserving recognition, respect, and protection. By addressing the legal and social barriers faced by the LGBTQIA+community, we can collectively contribute to a more just and inclusive Lesotho and echo Morena Moshoeshoe’s sentiment on founding a diverse and inclusive nation.

Khotso! Pula! Nala!

Recruitment for EpiC Project Extended!

The deadline for applications for EpiC project roles has been extended!

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

The People’s Matrix Association implements the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project a five-year global project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with a specific focus on Men who have sex with men (MSM), Transgender (TGs), People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), Priority Population (PP) and the LGBTI community. The organisation is a sub-grantee of the FHI360 Lesotho. EpiC program in Lesotho aims to strengthen the HIV prevention and care interventions for key populations (KP) through: 1) enhancing the capacity of the KP-led and KP-competent organizations to plan, deliver and optimize HIV prevention and care services to KP and to increase the number of KP organizations that will fit into the local partnership strategy by 2020; and, 2) to improve delivery and expansion of KP-competent services across the HIV prevention, care and treatment continuum in three districts of Maseru, Berea and Leribe.

Roles, Responsibilities and Description

  • Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality Assurance Officer

For more information: https://thematrix.org.ls/2023/09/21/recruiting-for-epic-project-me-and-qa-officer/

  • TB/HIV Clinical Nurse

For more information: https://thematrix.org.ls/2023/09/19/recruiting-for-epic-project/

  • Nursing Assistant

For information: https://thematrix.org.ls/2023/09/19/recruiting-for-epic-project-clinical-nurse/

Submit your CV, cover letter and copy of qualifications to; recruitmentmatrix@proton.me

Deadline: 4 November 2023

Recruiting for EpiC Project – M&E and QA Officer

Role: Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality Assurance Officer

Deadline: 29 September 2023

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

The People’s Matrix Association implements the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project a five-year global project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with a specific focus on Men who have sex with men (MSM), Transgender (TGs), People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), Priority Population (PP) and the LGBTI community. The organisation is a sub-grantee of the FHI360 Lesotho. EpiC program in Lesotho aims to strengthen the HIV prevention and care interventions for key populations (KP) through: 1) enhancing the capacity of the KP-led and KP-competent organizations to plan, deliver and optimize HIV prevention and care services to KP and to increase the number of KP organizations that will fit into the local partnership strategy by 2020; and, 2) to improve delivery and expansion of KP-competent services across the HIV prevention, care and treatment continuum in three districts of Maseru, Berea and Leribe.

Job Description

The Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality Assurance Officer is responsible for leading and managing EpiC Project Strategic Information activities in support of data-driven programming. They will work with project staff to provide technical assistance (TA) on data collection methods; data quality assurance; data analysis and monitoring, learning and adapting in a systematic and effective manner. The M&EQA officer will implement the project’s Monitoring and Evaluation plan and develop tools and processes for routinely capturing project data on a monthly basis, both internally and with partners. They will also be responsible for leading and coordinating for data analysis, visualization, use for program improvement, as well as documentation and dissemination of good practice and success stories for replication and scaling up by other stakeholders.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Project Data Collection, Data Quality Assurance and Data Visualization
  • Oversee implementation of the project Monitoring, Evaluation and implement tools and systems for the systematic collection of high-quality data from project activities 
  • Submit and provide data on project indicators on a monthly basis into the EpiC M&E database.
  • Conduct data quality assurance (DQA) activities and ensure data management and verification procedures meet national, FHI 360 and USAID standards.
  • Prepare data visualization and analysis with project data as needed for weekly, monthly, annual reports in a timely manner.
  • Facilitation of Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement (QAQI) Projects 
  • Provide capacity building for project team on data collection.
  • Support communication to EpiC leadership on project indicators, progress against targets, and results.



  • 3-5 years of hands-on experience in monitoring and evaluation
  • Experience in PEPFAR monitoring and programming will be an added advantage
  • Experience in results-based reporting and compilation of donor reports.
  • Experience in organizing and providing administrative assistance in an office environment
  • Excellent record-keeping and filing system
  • Expert handling of data
  • High level of computer literacy primarily in Microsoft Office Packages (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Adobe Acrobat and Social Media web platforms
  • Ability to analyse and interpret data or results in a logical manner
  • Strong organizational skills that reflect the ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks seamlessly with excellent attention to detail and deadlines
  • Pro-active, able to exercise discretion and independent decision-making
  • Ability to achieve high-performance goals and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to exercise discretion in dealing with confidential or sensitive matters, be adaptable to various competing demands
  • Strong communication and report-writing skills
  • Strong Monitoring & Evaluation Skills
  • Project & Programme Management Skills 
  • Ability to work well under pressure and to maintain effectiveness during changing conditions
  • Flexible working hours including weekends as required
  • Willingness to work with the LGBTIQ+ community will be an added advantage 

Send your CV, cover letter and copy of qualifications to recruitmentmatrix@proton.me

Deadline: 29 September 2023

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

Recruiting for EpiC Project – Nursing Assistant

Role: Nursing Assistant

Deadline: 29 September 2023

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

The People’s Matrix Association implements the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project a five-year global project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with a specific focus on Men who have sex with men (MSM), Transgender (TGs), People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), Priority Population (PP) and the LGBTI community. The organisation is a sub-grantee of the FHI360 Lesotho.  EpiC program in Lesotho aims to strengthen the HIV prevention and care interventions for key populations (KP) through: 1) enhancing the capacity of the KP-led and KP-competent organizations to plan, deliver and optimize HIV prevention and care services to KP and to increase the number of KP organizations that will fit into the local partnership strategy by 2020; and, 2) to improve delivery and expansion of KP-competent services across the HIV prevention, care and treatment continuum in three districts of Maseru, Berea and Leribe.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Refill PrEP and ART at facility and community settings.
  • Appropriately, timely and to completeness, fill at point of care, all registers, reports and keep records.
  • Offer nursing care in ART as per the specific National Policy and Guidelines
  • Carry out all other tasks delegated by the supervisor
  • Link and follow up all clients to health care facilities for management and continuum of care
  • Ensure screening of program participants for TB, STI and other health related services at the Drop In Centre clinic and community settings.


  • Certificate in Nursing Assistance 
  • At least 2 years working experience as a nursing assistant preferably both at community and facility settings
  • Registered with the Lesotho Nursing Council 
  • Experience working with key populations.
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Willingness to work flexible hours including weekends
  • LGBTIQ+ Community friendly
  • Duty station Maseru, Mazenod

Send your CV, cover letter and copy of qualifications to recruitmentmatrix@proton.me

Deadline: 29 September 2023

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

Recruiting for EpiC Project – Clinical Nurse

Role: TB/HIV Clinical Nurse

Deadline: 29 September 2023

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

The People’s Matrix Association implements the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project a five-year global project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) with a specific focus on Men who have sex with men (MSM), Transgender (TGs), People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), Priority Population (PP) and the LGBTI community. The organisation is a sub-grantee of the FHI360 Lesotho. EpiC program in Lesotho aims to strengthen the HIV prevention and care interventions for key populations (KP) through: 1) enhancing the capacity of the KP-led and KP-competent organizations to plan, deliver and optimize HIV prevention and care services to KP and to increase the number of KP organizations that will fit into the local partnership strategy by 2020; and, 2) to improve delivery and expansion of KP-competent services across the HIV prevention, care and treatment continuum in three districts of Maseru, Berea and Leribe.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Support HIV testing and counselling services to program participants.
  • Work closely with HIV case management team to develop appropriate referral and linkages for HIV infected program participants.
  • ART initiation of all HIV infected program participants at facility and community level as per the National Care and Treatment Guidelines.
  • Screen for TB, STI, VMMC and other services and coordinate with health facilities for referrals.
  • Ensure proper record keeping and timely report submission.
  • Initiate program participants on PrEP and perform other PrEP related services as per the National Guidelines.
  • Work closely with program staff to ensure proper and effective tracking of PLHIV in both community and facility settings.
  • Work closely with the Data clerk and SI Team to ensure proper record keeping and reporting as per the reporting guidance.
  • Supervise the Nurse Assistant 
  • Compile Monthly reports and submit to the Project Manager


  • Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery
  • Bachelor’s Degree will be an added advantage
  • Must be registered with the Lesotho Nursing Council.
  • At least 2 years’ experience supporting HIV/TB programs in clinical and community settings.
  • Experience working with key populations.
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Willingness to work flexible hours including weekends
  • LGBTIQ+ Community friendly
  • Duty station Maseru, Mazenod

Send your CV, cover letter and copy of qualifications to recruitmentmatrix@proton.me

Deadline: 29 September 2023

New Deadline: 4 November 2023

Media Statement

The People’s Matrix Association Statement on harassment and discrimination of LGBTIQ+ individuals in Lesotho 

The People’s Matrix strongly condemns the rampant human rights abuses masquerading as comments and public opinions – on the civil union of Likhabiso Phamotse and her partner on social media platforms. 

This negative rhetoric is dangerous and perpetuates, normalises and trivialises homophobia, discrimination and violence against the LGBTIQ+ community and its allies. While the comments and views expressed can be viewed as harmless and largely virtual, their impact is real and tangible resulting in violence and deaths.

The Constitution of Lesotho guarantees protection of the fundamental human rights  and freedoms for all persons within its boundaries which include:

Chapter II

Section 4

(g) Right to respect for private life and family

(j) freedom of expression

(l) Freedom of association

(n) Freedom from discrimination

Cognizant of the need for a more inclusive society in Lesotho, the Chief Justice of Lesotho has recently and publicly called for the “cultivation of an LGBTQI+ sensitive culture” in Lesotho. 

These incidences of harassment are unconstitutional, unwarranted, immoral and repugnant to the very spirit of freedom of expression and human rights. These incidences should be criminalized and perpetrators duly dealt with.

For anyone who has experienced any form of human rights violations or discriminations based on their sex characteristics, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expressions(SSOGIE), please feel free to report your case with the People’s Matrix through our facebook page. All reported cases are dealt with in complete confidentiality.

The People’s Matrix Association is the legally registered non-governmental organization based in Maseru. The organization is dedicated to advancing human rights in Lesotho with a particular focus on Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender identity and Gender expression (SSOGIE). We envisage a country free from all forms or moral prejudice and discrimination and a country where there is justice and freedom for all.


International Transgender Day of Visibility

The People’s Matrix marked and celebrated the International Transgender Day of Visibility. 31st March is a day dedicated to celebrating the achievements of transgender people and raising awareness about the discrimination and violence they still face.

This year’s theme, “Trans Equality Now,” highlights the urgent need for equal rights and protections for transgender individuals around the world. Despite some progress in recent years, transgender people continue to face high rates of discrimination in education, employment, healthcare, and public accommodations.

The People’s Matrix in collaboration with Southern Africa Litigation Center (SALC) and Women and Law Southern Africa (WLSA)Lesotho jointly published a Gender Legal Recognition Brief, which is a document that provides information and guidance on the interpretation of the legal frameworm and challenges faced by transgender and non-conforming people in obtaining legal gender recognition in Lesotho.
The brief aims to provide emperical evidence based on up-to-date international scientific understanding and best practices, on issues pertaining to legal gender recognition, including changing ‘sex’ or ‘gender’ markers on identity documents. It also explains the relationship between sex and gender, gender-affirming practices and gender-affirming healthcare.

The event was graced with the presence of representatives from Trans identifying persons, who shared their experiences and challenges encountered in different spaces;business, education, health and politics.

One exceptional speaker, Sheriff Mothopeng, who became the first transgender individual to permeate the political space and actually got nominated to stand for a constituency in the October 2022 General Elections emphasized some of the challenges transgender persons still have to face. Sheriff highlighted and called out African countries on their silence regarding Uganda’s anti-LGBTIQ+ law, because they are failing to hold each other accountable.
Anti-LGBTIQ+ Law criminalizes any person that identity as LGBTIQ+ and any association. Sheriff indicated that the passing of that law has so many implications, “Until today, countries like Lesotho have not committed yet in writing if they recognize and protect LGBTIQ communities, so it leaves an opportunity for oppressors to one day wake up and criminalize the LGBTIQ+community.”

According to the Women and Law Southern Africa(Lesotho), Mpho Theko highlighted that, upto this far, Lesotho has no specific laws that protect or prohibit same sex relations. However, Theko indicated that the Counter-domestic Violence Act of 2022, which aims to protect the rights of all citizens in domestic relations of all forms of abuse, ‘could’ also protect same sex couples. This is because in terms of the Act, domestic relations vary from married couples, co-habiting couples, dating couples and intimate couples etc.
In attendance as well was a representative from Department of Gender, Mahali Sekants’i. Sekants’i indicated that the Gender policy does recognise gender is diverse, however the classification of the marginalized groups within the policy is not specific as to who are these marganalized groups.

There are many challenges that still need to be addressed. That as it may be, the transgender community remains resilient and vibrant, with many individuals leading the way in activism, art, business and sports. Transgender people are making their voices heard and demand change.

On this day of visibility, let us celebrate the achievements of transgender people and commit ourselves to fighting for their full equality and human rights. As Moruti Mbela said, “We need to move from a place of shame to self-worth, self acceptance and self understanding.”

Also in attendance were representatives from the military, ministry of education and ministry of health.

PRESS RELEASE                    

16 November 2022


The People’s Matrix Association was established in 2008 as a unique Non – Governmental Organisation. The organization is charged with creating an enabling environment for people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions by promoting unity, solidarity, cohesion, and cooperation among LGBTIQA+ people in Lesotho and developing new partnerships nationally, regionally, and worldwide.

For generations, the transgender population has suffered various forms of abuse (and even death) for challenging the views, notions, and stereotypes around “male” and “female” identities. Every year we set aside November 20th as a Transgender Day of Remembrance. This day is meant to honor, commemorate, and memorialize those who face discrimination and stigma (often on a daily basis) across the nation. This day is also meant to advocate for transgender people’s rights and focus on the persistent struggles they face in their everyday lives, and how others can share their love, support, and hope.

International research, as well as analysis from Lesotho, suggests that not being able to change one’s gender marker impacts access to healthcare and mentnal health and well-being. For example, one in three transgender people in Lesotho (36 percent) is denied access to health care.

The Gender Legal Recognition, jointly published by the People’s Matrix Association, Women and Law Southern Africa (WILSA), and Southern African Litigation Center (SALC),  also provides information and guidance on the interpretation of the legal framework and other social challenges faced by transgender and gender non-conforming people in obtaining legal gender recognition. This is presented as a solution to mitigate discrimination against transgender and gender-diverse persons. The report can be found here

The People’s Matrix Association will host a march and gather strategic stakeholders in government and NGO space. We will start with a peace march to raise awareness, followed by sessions where we will reflect on the advocacy and commitments necessary to promote, protect, and realize the rights of people with diverse gender identities and expressions.

Details are as follows:

08h00: Solidarity March – Setsoto Stadium to Victoria Hotel 

10h00: Victoria Hotel; Machabeng Hall

The theme for the day is Black attire: Please bring a candle for the candle vigil.




The People’s Matrix Association is pleased to invite you to the commemoration of Transgender Remembrance Day 2022 which will be held on Friday 18 November 2022.

We invite you to celebrate this day with us in solidarity with the fallen transgender souls in the LGBTI community.

We will start with a peace march to raise awareness, followed by sessions where we will reflect on the advocacy and commitments necessary to promote, protect, and realize the rights of people with diverse gender identities and expressions.

Details are as follows:

08h00: Solidarity March – Setsoto Stadium to Victoria Hotel

10h00: Victoria Hotel Machabeng Hall

The theme for the day is Black attire: Please bring along a candle for the candle vigil.


For generations, the transgender population has suffered various forms of abuse (and even death) for challenging the views, notions, and stereotypes around “male” and “female” identity. Every year we set aside November 20 as a Transgender Day of Remembrance. This holiday is meant to honor, commemorate, and memorialize those who face discrimination and stigma (often on a daily basis) across the nation. This holiday is also meant to advocate for transgender people’s rights as well as focus on the persistent struggles they face in their everyday lives, and how others can share their love, support, and hope.

Join The People Matrix Association for a solidarity March and speeches on the 18th of November. Details on the location to follow in the week.