IDAHOBiT 2022: Press Statement

May 2, 2022

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2022 “Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Rights” LGBTIQ+ across the country with The Peoples Matrix will celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBiT) on the 14th, 17th, 21st and the 28th of May, 2022 in four different districts.

The theme for this year’s annual celebration is “Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Rights.” A great theme under which many forms of advocacy are possible: claiming our rights to live our sexualities and to express our gender(s) freely, but also demanding to be from physical violence, from conversion so-called “therapies” to forced sterilisation of Trans and Intersex people. A theme that reminds us that many of us across the world live LGBTQI-phobias in their very flesh every day and that our bodies are being abused, ruining our lives.

Coming together as LGBTIQ+ persons and stakeholders continues to be a critical component of fostering a culture of equality. During IDAHOBiT, we will acknowledge the turbulent history of the LGBTIQ+ civil rights movement, as well as celebrating the courage, strength, and resilience that defines this willful community. In the midst of adversity and the pursuit of equality, the members of the LGBTIQ+ community will share their stories of overcoming and living pridefully with confidence and bravery on all media platforms.

LGBTIQ+ are musicians, artists, inventors, business leaders, educators, and healers. They are lawmakers and activists, and family members. If we are to live up to the democratic ideals that set the foundation for this country. We must ensure that all Basotho have an equal opportunity to live freely and successfully, and we must treat all with respect and dignity. No one should ever be persecuted or held back from living their lives because of who they are or who they love. Our bodies should not make us subjects of violence, but should allow us to enjoy our human rights in a diverse way. Love is love and it is stronger than hate. Matrix will seek to advance the human rights in Lesotho with specific focus on SOGIE.

For more information, contact: +266 58811547/58183362

Physical Address: Naomi House Building02/296 Bowker Road, Old Europa, Maseru

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